Health Information
Asthma Action Plan & Forms
Forms attached are required to be given to school nurse if your child uses Asthma Medications.
Please have your medical provider complete the appropriate sheet of the MPS Asthma Form.
Bee Sting Allergy Plan
Diabetic Action Plan
Epilepsy/Seizure Action Plan
Food Allergy/Intolerance Action Plan
Head Lice Information Sheets
Madison Public School's policy is that students with an active case of head lice will be sent home until treated by either over the counter or prescription kits formulated to treat head lice. The student is to be brought by the parents/guardian to the nurse prior to returning to class.
Immunization Requirements
Physical Forms
Required physicals for each school year are:
*Full exam for Kindergarten, 7th grade, and out of state transfers. Eye exams are required for Kindergarten and Out of State transfers and can be completed on the actual physical form in the space provided. A vision long form is attached, but not required. Updated immunizations are required.
*Sports exams for those participating in sports EACH school year. All three forms for sports listed below are required.
*Prekindergarten-immunization list only required
MPS K, 7th, Transfer Physical form
MPS Sports Physical Clearance Form-1
When to Keep Your Child Home
Unsure if your child should stay home? Please refer to this attachment to help you decide.
MPS Illness Guideline
General News
Lisa and Janet welcome you to the school nurse page. Please check here for any forms that you may need and you can print them off to take with you.
When school starts in the fall, these are the things that we must be able to collect from you to have your child's health file complete:
Preschool-Immunization records-please check the immunizations requirement page on this site to be sure your child is up to date.
Kindergarten-School physical, eye exam, and updated immunization record
7th grade-School physical and updated immunization record.
Those participating in sports: Completed and signed sports exam with any extra requirements identified be completed before any sports participation.
Asthma/Diabetic/Allergy Students: Action plans must be completed each school year. There is a doctor portion to complete and this can be done during the sports/physicals exams if the medical provider doing the exam agrees to do so. These forms may also be printed from this site.
Medications may be administered at school only with a signed consent form with the student's name, medication, and times to be given identified along with the parent's/guardian's signature. This includes not only prescription medications but also cough drops, cough medications, and other over the counter remedies. Medications that can be given on off school hours should be given at home. Medications that are scheduled to be delivered at 1:30 or later can be given at home, just as medications to be taken three times a day may be given at home: before school, after school, and bedtime. This does not apply to inhalers and other emergency and as needed medications. All medications must be brought in the original container, with prescription medications to be supplied in the bottle or box that has the pharmacy label attached. This label provides the doctor's order for the medications as required by Nebraska statute for schools to administer. The consent form for medications may be obtained from the School office.
If your child uses an inhaler or other emergency medication, please obtain the completed action plan from your doctor prior to the beginning of school. Please consider getting a second inhaler to keep at school for emergencies. This form may be obtained at the school office or printed from the MPS website under Health News.
All medications must be provided by the family. No medications are supplied by the school.
Please call the school with any questions you may have.